⦓🍊⦔ タンジェリン - 🍊 (🌍)


Kagoshima Tangerine’s first album, first part of the “Fruit” cycle of releases, available on tape for the very first time!

A riddle, wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in a load of weird emoji’s. This Japan-based producer has been confusing the Vaporwave scene since 2014 with a mixture of Drone, Slushwave and Caretaker-flavored Ambient.


Comes with a digital download code, available through your order corfirmation email.

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  1. ユズ 02:05

  2. カボス 06:24

  3. デコポン 07:28

  4. すだち 06:27

  5. ナツミカン 08:52

  6. 立花 07:42

  7. 清見 06:43

  8. 穴門みかん 06:39

TRANSMITTER「送信機」 - 天​​​気​​​予​​​報​​​に​​​BGM​​​を​​​ア​​​ー​​​カ​​​イ​​​バ​​​ル​​​テ​​​ー​​​プ​​​ス(🌍)
Brickmason - Betamax Atlantic (🌍)
Agape Horizons - Afterthoughts From Home (🌍)
⦓🍊⦔ タンジェリン - Rome, 1999 (🌍)
ᴘₒʟʏɢʟᵒᴛ - 太​陽​を​見​つ​め​る​目 (🌍)